My Story...

Rachel Green isn’t just an award-winning chef, local food campaigner, food stylist, TV celebrity (four TV series) and author (Making The Most of The Great British Sausage, the Chatsworth Cookery Book); she insists that food production is in her blood.

Her family have been farming in Lincolnshire for 14 generations. Rachel’s mother is a brilliant cook and her grandmother before that. Rachel picked up her first kitchen utensils when she was little more than a toddler. And when she wasn’t experimenting in the kitchen, she was out lambing the ewes, shooting game or skinning a deer.

Rachel believes in getting stuck into cooking. Proper, grass-roots cooking. She slates mass-produced food and avoids anything that involves masses of food miles. ‘Microwave’ is a dirty word, as is fast-food, although sausage-lover Rachel insists that Lincolnshire sausages rustled up in a skillet are the best convenience food ever.

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Inspiring a Nation
    with food

Lincolnshire’s vivacious award-winning chef, food stylist, TV celebrity & author travels the UK sourcing highest quality ingredients embracing Britain.

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